Sunday, July 17, 2016

Entreprenreurs ‘N Fuego: Matthew O’Brien of MINT Social on Entrepreneurship in Scottsdale

Entrepreneurs N'Fuego, Francisco Aguirre interviews Matthew O’Brien of on social media and entrepreneurship from 7/1/2016 recording at The Office Pile co-working space in Scottsdale.

Excerpt from Interview-

Francisco: What do you think is the biggest misconception that we, as entrepreneurs, have about social media at this point?

Matthew: The misconception is that you have to do it. If you have that mindset that, "I have to do it," it's not going to be fun. It's just like, "I have to work." You really need to find your niche. There's really two components to social media. I'm going to either market a brand or I'm going to market the person in front of the brand.

We don't hug brands, we hug people. You have to think of it in terms of...The story is not interesting until it has these components to it, such as, "Who are you as a person?" "How can I connect with you?" "What do you like to do personally?" "How are you involved with the community?" "What do you do that makes you interesting and makes you a pillar of the community?" Now, I'm interested in what you do as a business.

Francisco: It goes back to how information was passed down since the beginning of time. We all sat down around the campfire and we told stories.

Entrepreneurs ‘N Fuego is a project of the  TOP Foundation . As guest of the show you make a donation to support the mission to empower, cultivate, and educate culturally diverse entrepreneurs by providing funding, access to capital, office space, and technical assistance during the initial stages of their business development. Learn more at .

Participation in Entrepreneurs ‘N Fuego helps to tell stories that inspire entrepreneurs looking to start their journey soon. See the full interview transcription:


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